Alright so here I am for our monthly blog update...although it has been more like two months since we last updated. Things have been pretty great lately, despite the lame weather that Utah winters bring. Am I the only one totally ready for spring? I know we still have a couple of months, but this is the time of year I start to get really sick of my winter clothes and ready to pull out my spring/summer stuff! I am still just teaching my little 2nd graders, who seem to be getting more hilarious as the year goes on...seriously if people knew what their kids say to their teachers they would crack up. I feel lucky to have such an entertaining job. Kyle is still chugging away at school, he is just a few months from graduating which is pretty crazy. We both can't believe that in just about 6 months we will both be out of college and out in the real world working real 'grown up' jobs. It is exciting though. Other good news is that a little less than a month ago Kyle took the Gmat (the exam to get into MBA programs) and totally nailed it! He got a 760 which puts him well above the average for top programs and in the 99th percentile. They are pretty darn competitive to get into so a good Gmat score will hopefully be helpful. Mba school will be at least a couple of years away though so we will see where he actually ends up going. But we were excited, he studied his brains out for it so the result was well deserved!

Well like everyone else this last weekend we celebrated Valentines Day. This was our first V-day as an officially married couple so we wanted to make the best of it. Kyle pulled out all the stops and made it the best Valentines Day I have ever had. Friday after school he totally surprised me by taking me up to Salt Lake to stay at the swanky Grand America Hotel for the night. He told me we were going up to meet our good friends for a double date, so I was shocked when we pulled into the hotel. He had even gone up before hand and put out roses and rose petals all over the room; I wish I had had my camera but since it was a surprise I hadn't thought to bring it. Then the next morning we headed to the Park City outlets and did some pre spring shopping (ha Kyle knows that clothes are usually the best way to my heart). We finished off that night by eating oreos and milk and watching Batman Begins at our house (I insisted that Kyle choose the movie since he had gone to so much work for me-isn't Batman always in the top 10 of guys' favorite movies?). Basically it was an amazing weekend and I feel lucky to be married to my sweetheart. I can't believe that we are getting close to the one year mark!
I hope that everyone else had a great Valentines Day!