So far California has been treating us great and believe it or not- we are loving it out here. Shocker right? I mean, who would love California? Kyle's internship is going well and we are loving being able to spend time with family who normally we don't get to see nearly as much as we would like to. Anyway last weekend was the 4th and since it fell on a Saturday this year, Kyle got Friday off. So we headed down south to Monterey with my sister Shara and her family as well as Kyle's brother Tres and his baby. Needless to say we had a good time. Our first stop was the "Dennis the Menace Park". It was a pretty awesome park, if I were about 10 years younger I would have been in heaven. The kids had a great time playing there while we adults talked and chased them around.
Kaya and Brad on the climbing wall

Kaya and Ashlyn playing

Next stop was downtown Monterey to ride bikes along the coast. We figured it would be cheaper for a few of us to rent a surrey (a bicycle built for more than two?) and ride together. So Kyle, me, Tres and his baby Evan loaded up and off we went in this beauty.

Saturday we had a laid back day of mostly just swimming and eating. That night we had a family barbeque, played some football and headed over to the park to watch fireworks.
Hopefully everyone had a great holiday weekend! Till next time..
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